Unabridged Adventure Series Part 6, Ruined


A Lesson in the Wheelhouse


This is fine. It’s really fine, in fact.

I am not, contrary to popular opinion, a people person.

I write what makes me comfortable and sometimes what makes me squirm. Or I just sit on one end of the picnic bench.

Unabridged Adventure Series: The Myth of Sisyphus and other essays


Two tickets from State Capitol Tours on page 131.

“It weighs 10,000 pounds. It has over 200 light bulbs. A Volkswagen would fit inside. Capitol rotunda chandelier designed and made by Louis Comfort Tiffany. For more information call 360-586-TOUR.”

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Unabridged Adventure Series: A Pleasing Birth

As promised, the Unabridged Adventure Series now continues outside of my dictionary. On to other used books! The first I came across this week while doing my prenatal homework: A Pleasing Birth: Midwives and Maternity Care in The Netherlands by Raymond De Vries. On page 246, a note. Addressed to me?

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The note in its entirety:

“Hi Christine–

I hope you want to join us for another adventure.


Reason not to Write #8: Naps.

I love naps, plural. And long walks. And small talk with strangers. But I learned at an early age that careers don’t generally include these activities. (I felt astutely prepared for a nine to five.) It took me a while to confront the lion in my driveway: what is productivity?

For a while it felt productive to sit in front of the computer and try. That is, until I realized I wasn’t writing. Anything. (Blank pages provide poor inspiration.) But naps gave me vivid dreams; aimless walks set scenes.

What did you do today? someone asks.

Took a few short naps, went for a walk, talked to this guy I didn’t know.

I dread the question to this day.


As it turns out though, I’m maturing. I’m also fortunate to live with a supportive husband in a place where art has value. And so it might, after all, only be my neighbor’s housecat.

In the Black Forest, Germany

In the Black Forest, Germany


Book Club Update


We forgot to take photos, so there aren’t any. Look for staged shots later.

We found the book readable but not worth re-reading nor re-recommending. No link will follow.

We found the food good. The company lively. The lingering husband short-lived and two mingling cats unusually friendly.

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