In a Not-So-Foreign Town

BlogI’m home on summer holiday in The States—in Florida, in Texas, in Wisconsin, in towns all not-so-foreign to me. And then, one day before my thirty-first birthday marked by takeout Chinese food, a favorite piece of fiction gets reprinted online at Originally published in 2013 by Structo Magazine (at which I am now—humbly—an editor), In a Foreign Town sets a tone, a rhythm, and a spirit I aim to achieve in all my writing. Read it again here

Two New Stories for the holidays

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Check out the latest at my Etsy store, where you can purchase signed copies of two new pieces of fiction! And just in time for that stocking stuffer. Kids don’t want chestnuts and oranges; they want poetry!

The first was originally published in issue ten of Structo, a lovely UK-based publication with a couple of spunky editors. Purchase the full issue here. An author-signed print of my included short story, In a Foreign Town, can be purchased here. (Above: photos of The Society ClubLondon; issue ten launch party complete with cake and fancy shoes.)

The second piece of fiction was originally published online as the Fall Flash Fiction Contest Winner for Tethered by Letters, a young and enthusiastic community of writers and editors. Read The Year-Ago You in its entirety here. Purchase a signed print right here. (Below: photos that inspired the story; vacationing in Panama.)

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Etsy Store Now Live!

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For those of you in The States, think Labor Day gifts. Or, buy one for my mom’s birthday (September 4). For those of you in The Netherlands, do we really have to wait until All Saints Day in November? I think not. Free reign. Buy away:

Launch of YouTube Site


I’m cheap. Instead of purchasing a premium blog site, I uploaded my recent reading videos to YouTube. Check them out below:

Mass Poetry Festival in May:

Achievers Amsterdam in July:

Structo Issue 10 Launch Party in London  in August:

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